The High Vibe Home Blog
A space to deepen your Feng Shui wisdom and knowledge. This is a place for you to read, listen, and watch as you educate yourself on the importance of living a life filled with purpose, passion, and adventure all the while creating a home that supports you.
What's trending:
How to Lead from a Place of True Feminine Power with Jessica Zweig:
For anyone feeling called to reclaim their feminine power and step into a more authentic, high-vibe life, this conversation is a must-listen. Jessica's insights are a beautiful reminder that our true power lies in stillness, surrender, and the sacred spaces within us.
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Manifesting through the Law of Correspondence as a Witch with Mia Magik
Mia shares that her path to magic was born out of pain and feeling lost, and she found solace in believing in magic and embracing her true self. They discuss the importance of shadow work and the misconceptions of being a Witch. Mia explains how she reclaimed the word 'Witch' and the power of intuition in her life. They also explore the symbolic language of the universe and the role of Feng Shui in creating a magical life.
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